How do I choose and share my favourite photos in my gallery?
Your gallery has built in features that allow you to create one or more lists of your favourite photos for downloading, sharing with Simon Hughes Photography or printing. Simply click on the heart icon when you hover your curser over an image and enter your email address when requested, so you can access and edit your list at a later date. Then, just click the heart on all the other pictures you want to add to your favourites list. Once you've created a list of your favourite photos, you can access and edit it via the menu at the top of your gallery under the cover picture. See the video below for more information on how to create and share one or more favourites lists.
Gallery Favourites Tutorial
Click on Play button to see how to create and share a list of favourite photos in your gallery.
When creating a list of your favourite photos, you might find it easiest to start by 'favouriting' all your potential favourites to create a long list. You can then access the list via the heart icon at the top right of your gallery (under the cover photo) to review your long list while 'unfavouriting' images as you go to create a final short list.
How do I share my gallery with family and friends?
You can share your gallery in a number of ways. The easiest way to share your whole gallery is simply to forward the original email you received from Simon Hughes Photography which includes a link to your gallery, instructions on how to access your gallery and the 4 digit PIN code required to download photos from the gallery. Alternatively, the video below describes the features built in to your gallery that enable you to share individual photos, your favourite photos or your whole gallery directly from the gallery via social media or email.
Gallery Sharing Tutorial
Click on Play button to see how to share photos directly from your gallery.